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Universal video and audio player - AllPepole video player

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Although it will appear a lot of very good video files from time to time, but always lack of one of the most suitable for your local utility player software. Then today will bring you a very good universal player - AllPepole video player, it not only support now all video and audio formats, and the memory also is very small, is also very convenient to operate, if you need, you can come here to download!

AllPepole video player is a can play almost all the media format of universal video player software. Software is very small, clean and neat interface, give a person a kind of very pure and fresh feeling; The most importance is super software function, support the video format hundred, fast start, playback of hd, fluent! Welcome to users to download to use!

1, play all kinds of audio and video files;

2, can play online video and audio files; In speed conditions allow, we can play the drop-down button, enter the url to play online media. The media don't need to download, online. After input, click the Ok button to streaming media. Steps in the same way as before.

3, save screenshots

Can be any format of the video captured picture processing. Convenient for graphics, you like to share.

4, super picture viewer

Software to view the multiple image files, with this software, and so has a very good picture viewer.

5. merge audio and video images
Software also can realize simple merged, audio, video and photo merger quickly!

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